Planets, alien landscapes, space, sci-fi prompts - Midjourney

Planets, alien landscapes, space

Getting the No Man's Sky vibe right from the first prompt wanting to generate an alien landscape view. Let's see how we can get Midjourney making us some nice space sci-fi wallpapers :)

Slime planet - so slime seems aline for MJ

Ai generated - Alien Planet
Ai generated - Alien Planet

For some reason using word 'slime' with these promts works pretty well in making strange looking places.

Using No Man's Sky video game aesthetics

Ai generated - Alien Planet - No Mans Sky

Using popular sci-fi videos games aesthetics might help. That is if you like how to game looks I guess.

Just Moon stuff

Earth view from Moon
Earth view from Moon

Paste a NASA logo and you are on! 🤣

Alien landscapes

I really like this one and you don't need much imagination to make it happen.

This looks like videos games to me.

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